I am often browsing around the old WaterWithWhiskyand frequently stumble across some really bloody delightful things.
Here are just a few from today.
The Cart Before The Horse make these dolls. Look at the site, i struggled to pick my favourites, but here are a few.
This is a feature from SMALL (an online magazine) The illustrations are magical.
The Black Apple turns out to be a woman of wonderful design who makes completely delightful creations, and i more than recommend a peak.
(she also writes about clothes in another Blog that i thought was sweet)
A recommendation from her lead me to Chainchainchained on the great and marvellous Etsy I want these (and the rest)
The next on my round trip of total delights is a lady AshleyG found here and here
I think this might be it for now.Though there is much more out there.
The only other thing i would like to add is how much i really love this hair style/photo (i think a nice variation would be that at the front and long hair down the sides perhaps)
Wouldn't it be great to have a wall just so you could cover it in the wonderful work of Ed Pien
That is actually it now.
I am also about to embark on a 2nd blog just for recip-eats and all things edible
On the Earburner : Animal Magik
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
" Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, The Stocking's were hung by the chimney with care, In hope that St Nicholas soon would be there... " Clement Moore
Monday, 22 December 2008
Attention to detail is something i subscribe to whole heartedly. And if i was a man with money in my pocket and a little time in my past then this is exactly what i would do with my cloth and leather. Its not perfect but it is charming as hell. (Thanks to the Satorialist for this image)
The best raven haired buxom chef i have ever known. She is a 'guiltless' pleasure.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Fire and Owlpots
My friend's house (Nambucca) burnt down late last night with all his possessions inside. It really makes you wander about the unpredictability of life, and the fragility of ownership. The treasures you call your own could one day all be gone, burnt to sinders.
p.s i replaced my - passed on as a gift - tea the cat pot, with whit-tea whoo the owl pot. he is really quite wonderful, though i shall have to put him in a cupboard when Con Carne comes round. panic attack prevention at its best.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Florence Broadhurst
"a textile designer. she combined hints of the orient with europe’s 1930s-style modernism. her patterns, with shiny surface and sophisticated, very vibrant motifs are extremely elegant. she fused english floral patterns with splashes and swirls, bamboo and willow, kangaroos and peacocks... "
I adore her work. Both the simple black and white outline work and the coloured pattern work are very agreeable in my eyes.
This leads me well onto the work of an up and coming designer i am growing fond of for similar reaons, i assume.
Abigail Borg
She is an up and coming surface patter designer (a recent graduate of Leeds) that has recently caught my eye. I think her work is really nice quality, it seems to draw on influences from vintage patterns, and her floral prints have a William Morris feel about them.
Monday, 8 December 2008
The Sewer is Fixed. My heart is on the mend.
The Dinosaur cushions for the 24 year old are finished.
Honey is Funny
Incredible posters and for SUCH good bands.
I met this guy at ATP festival about 2 years ago and was very impressed, they look even better in the print. The Bonnie Prince Billy Poster with the two bears on is my FAVOURITE -5th in on the top row-
Sadly this wouldn't save as the right sort of file to pop up the picture.
to be honest i could go on listing selectively for too long without enough critical thought, fan's have a way of doing this.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Oliver Jeffers "A Total and Utter Delight"
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Jean Jeanie.
It's been 3 years, if not more, since i bought a pair of jeans and wore them (except once horse riding with the boy in the forest : in secret) for ALL to see BUT this changed today. as i am now the scared owner of a pair of skinny high waisted dark dreams
The hips, the butt and I are nervous but we will endeavor to try our best.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
i adore this girl it brings me down a ton that i can't see her every day any more and that the Fjords have stolen her instead.
Wonders to start.
I have found this selection of treasures to begin. The beginning of the detangling of things that bring delight.
Here lie a few:
On of my favourite half hours / and exhibitions / of the season so far was the David Hockney : Brother's Grimm Etchings If you can get to see it somewhere around, i reckon there isn't a reason around not to.
Here lie two friends who, after moving 3191 miles apart in 2007, decided to take a photo of a part of every morning / now evening / and post them together on this blog. It is a beautiful collection of photographs, and a wonderful sentiment.GO. SEE.
Just a note of the cat and mouse illustrator who i think make a lovely image.
This site is http://www.mine.uk.com, and the clothes and the models look really sweet and elegant, with delightful dos.
One of the early collection with the lady with dark hair is a thing i especially like to just gaze at and admire.
Other times have been spent:
Admiring The Treasure Chest Dreaming of getting the Fortnum & Mason's £25,000 Snow Queen Hamper under the tree. The Hambledon Vintage Creme/Pale Tan Lace Planning our Evening Meals Black Cloth Hearts w/ Gothic Winters Being Sad about the End of Amelia's Magazine Memories of a Birthday Week Bonne Maman Jam on Danish White The Evening of the Broken Sewing Machine/Heart Wandering about Co-Habiting The F-ing Book. Elaborate Old Fashioned Pencil Drawings Allowing myself to actually finish my two most favoured books of late, without being sad to leave their world. Christmas Candles Surface Value Fashion Blogs Dreaming of the February Fjords.